
Public Lecture “EU Current Changes and Opportunities”

Institute for European Studies of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in cooperation with the EU Delegation to Georgia is honored to invite all the interested parties to the public outreach event on “EU current changes and opportunities”.

Speeches will be given by high ranking officials of the mission  Mr. Christian Danielsson, Director-General - Neighbourhood & Enlargement Negotiations, NEAR (CD); Mr. Lawrence Meredith, Director Neighbourhood East, NEAR C (LM) and Ms. Paloma Hall Caballero, International Aid / Cooperation Officer, NEAR C2 (PHC).

Date: February 1st , 2017

Timeline: 16:00 - 16:45  including Q&A session

Language: English

Please, confirm your participation to the event on the following E-mail address: info.ies@tsu.ge

Address: 3 Chavchavadze Avenue, TSU Institute for European Studies, The Second Academic Building of TSU, Floor 4, Office 406.

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