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International Students Workshop: Inter-religious Dialogue and its Role in the Development of Religious Tourism (Florence, March 5-12, 2017)

The student study group of the department of Modern and Contemporary History at the Faculty of Humanities of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (group leader Assoc. Prof. Leila Khubashvili) is organizing a student scientific workshop on the theme of inter-religious dialogue. The workshop will take place in Florence, Italy on  March 5-12, 2017.

Inter-religious Dialogue and its Role in the Development of Religious Tourism

Project Leaders: Prof. Giuli Alasania (Rector of University of Georgia), Prof. Khubashvili Leila (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University).
Project Coordinator: Maka Khutsishvili, Master in History, researcher at the University of Warsaw, Ia Melkadze, MA in European Studies.
Organizing Committee: Metropolitan Vakhtang of Tsurtavi (Akhvlediani), Patriarchate of Georgia, Prof. Padre Paolo Bagattini, Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University, Association “Rondine”, Hamed Kazemzadeh - PhD Research Scholar, Center for Eastern European Studies - University of Warsaw.

In the Politics and the International Relations of the 21st century, the role of the religions has become a topic of the active discussions. Nowadays, there are the active debates about the frequency of the international threats and conflicts provoked on the religious grounds. Considerably, the religion often crosses the borders and occupies a meaningful place on the world geopolitical map. The diverse interests on the global stage come into collision that could lead to the serious conflicts. Religion and ethnicity are often considered as the means of expression of the individual’s identity. The problems arise when the
issue of identity leads to fundamentalism and extremism, the opposite force of the secularisation. The representatives of the one and the same religions can foster the establishment of secularism, and on the contrary, create the threat to the security of the diverse countries, and provoke the international conflicts
that became evident by the example of the radical Islam and the formation of the terrorist organisations.
The religion can also be thought of as the best way of conflict resolution (however, this happens not often) due to the fact that all religions recognise freedom, justice, peace and reconciliation values. The Worlds Parliament of Religions 1993 declaration states: “We commit ourselves to a culture of nonviolence,
respect, justice, and peace. We shall not oppress, injure, torture, or kill other human beings, forsaking violence as a means of settling differences.”
The religions carry one of the principal role in the international relations. They are discussed as the causes of conflicts as well as the ways of their resolution. However, it is difficult to find the borders between these two opposites. The religious fanatism that bases itself on extremism poses a threat to the humanity. In the
modern irreversible processes of globalization, diversity and unique role of the culture generally is ignored and that in its turn produces new forms of ethnocentrism and extreme nationalism. Provided such situation, we aim to promote our cultural heritage, and liaise the representatives of the different cultures and religions. This will foster the enrichment of the international experiences of the representatives of the different cultures and religions, embracing the new ideas, and the most important of all, overcoming the prejudices and all those factors that obstacle such meetings and dialogues from holding. One of the most
difficult challenges of our time lies between tradition and modernity. The dialogue between the old and the new shapes the future of the young generations and thus the future of the nation, thats why it requires a deeper understanding and balance.
The modern world has been evolving as an amalgam of the diverse religions and faiths. The meetings of the politicians and the leaders of the world religions, including the meeting of the Russian Patriarch Kirill with Pontifex Francis , is one more message for the interreligious dialogue. However for starting such a dialogue, there is the evident lack of the religious awareness. With the intensive dialogue, it is possible to increase tolerance and the level of the mutual understanding.
Today, when the world has become a global village, being a citizen of a particular country is no longer enough. On the contrary, the global citizens should be actively involved in multicultural and multi-religious processes. Learning how to conduct a dialogue and actually participating therein not only raises
awareness of its participants but also teaches them openness, listening to each other, tolerance, respect for others ideas and humanism.
Therefore, the workshop purpose and objective is to bring together the sensible youth representatives of various religions and beliefs. Introducing to the common values within all religions will not only bring them closer, but will also enable reflecting upon what separates and alienates them. Engagement of the youth in
the interreligious dialogue is actual and necessary in addition because in the globalization and migration processes their life and activities in any field (education, healthcare, business, etc.) is connected with the representatives of the diverse religions and faiths. The interreligious dialogue is important also for the
promotion of the cultural heritage that is a significant factor for the religious tourism development, is increasingly popular globally and represents a part of the modern tourism industry. The religious tourism development fosters not only the economic potential of the countries, but also promotes the mutual respect
between the representatives of the diverse religions and is based on the traditions.

The workshop working language is English. The students enrolled in the diverse degree programs (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral studies) are required to deliver the presentations in English language on the following issues:
1. Religious and Cultural Diversity of the Religions Worldwide
2. The Role of Religions in International Relations and the World Politics
3. The Challenges and the Perspectives of Religious Tourism
4. The Role of Cultural Heritage in the Development of Religious Tourism
5. Religious Tourism in World Religions
5. Religious Tourism Industry
The workshop applicants should send their abstract proposals of max 200 words before 30 December 2016 to the following email addresses:
The abstract should contain the name, surname, country, city, University, Email and the phone contact number of the applicant. The abstracts should touch upon the religious and cultural diversity, the role of the religions in the world politics, religious tourism challenges and perspectives.



HOW TO REGISTER (click here for the full guidelines):
1) Register successfully in the Life Beyond Tourism Community (you will receive a confirmation email of the registration)
2) Login with your chosen personal account and password to the Community
3) Go to the workshop page and click on “Take part” on the top right (if you are not registered, the button will not appear)
4) To finalize your registration to the workshop, select the registration fee, accept the terms and conditions (by the flag) and proceed with the payment. The system will lead you directly to a secure payment system to pay by credit card. (Please note: select all the fees that apply to you in one time because the system will not allow consequent payments).
If you wish to pay by bank transfer the bank information are:
Reason of payment: Name of the Workshop, Name of participants
Made out to: COMI SpA
IBAN IT66Y 06160 02821 000902871C00
Swift Code:    CRFI IT 3F XXX
Kindly send us the certificate of the money bank transfer by e-mail ( specifying your name and the name of the event.
PLEASE NOTE: all paid fees shall be net of all bank costs and commissions
CANCELLATION POLICIES for the participants:
The cancellations of packages carried out by written communication to the secretariat 30 days before the event will be reimbursed with a 70 Euro deduction for secretarial costs.
After this deadline, cancellation is possible only for visa problem, copy of the embassy letter must be sent to the secretary office and 50% of the paid amount will be reimbursed. Starting one week before the event no reimbursements will be possible.
Reimbursement will be realized only by bank transfer, IBAN and SWIFT code are necessary and the bank costs will be upon you. The reimbursement will be done maximum 60 days after the closing of the event or after receiving the bank information.
Please note that reimbursements in accordance to the cancellation policies are only possible if, at the moment of cancellation notification, the necessary data and bank details are transmitted. The fees of processing the reimbursement operation will be deducted from the due reimbursement sum.  
Opening date:
Closing date:
Florence, Italy
The prices of the registration fee refer to the accommodation in Hotel B&B Firenze Novoli. For the accommodation in the city center additional charges can be applied. 

The WORKSHOP FEE is € 450,00 per person (low season) and it includes:
-  Accommodation on a B&B basis for 7 nights in multiple rooms (we can’t assure accommodation divided by gender or by university of provenance). Special needs should be communicated to the Organizing Secretariat. All participants must pay the full participation fee; 
- Pasta Party on Friday or similar meal on the closing of the workshop; 
- Discount card for meals in Caffé Astra al Duomo;   
- Meeting room for the Opening and Closing of the  workshop, with the use of the PC and projector;       
- Program of the workshop; 
- Certificate of participation; 
- Management of the website to present the works prepared before, during and after the WS; 
- Assistance in visa request procedures.

Every year, the Foundation applies to the Florence Superintendence of the Museums and Fine Arts and asks to allow the free entrance to the Florence State Museums to all the workshops’ participants: Galleria degli Uffizi, Galleria dell’Accademia, Museo San Marco, Cappelle Medicee, Palazzo Pitti, Boboli Garden, Bargello.
The visits to the museums are submitted to the approval of the Florence Superintendence of the Museums and Fine Arts; the Foundation is not responsible for possible denial. There is no guided tour included and no entrance booking, for this service request should be made in advance by the Workshop Coordinator.
Other museums will be paid directly by the participants, unless differently agreed with the Workshop Coordinator previous the workshop.

N. B. Small changes on the package are possible, depending on the period of the WS. All the changes will be communicated to the Project Coordinator for agreement.
*According to the City Council resolution n. 230/33 of 06/20/2011, from July 1st the City of Florence introduced the tourism tax, applied to nonresidents overnight staying, for a maximum of 10 consecutive nights.
Starting from April 2015 the tourism tax rate are euro 2,50 per 2 stars hotel; 3,50 per 3 stars hotel; 4,50 per 4 stars hotel per person per night. The tax will be paid by the participants directly at the hotel.
480,00 Euro for a single room, 7 nights - only project leader (the number of single rooms are limited, this special price for single room is reserved to university leaders who participate with min. 4 students)
580,00 Euro fo a single room, 7 nights for the other participants
480,00 Euro for a double room, 7 nights for other participants

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