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4th Annual International Student Scientific Conference

The 4th Annual International Student Scientific Conference was opened at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on November 24. Along with TSU, students and professors from the Davit Agmashenebeli National Defence Academy of Georgia and the International Black Sea University also participated in the conference.

The reports delivered at the conference were dedicated to the 100th anniversary of WWI. Deputy Rector of TSU, Ioseb Salukvadze said that “the preconditions and consequences of WWI were discussed at the conference. There are some issues that should be comprehended thoroughly in order to avoid similar developments in future. Besides physical actions, intellectual actions are also needed to study the issue scientifically.”   

“Similar conferences are extremely important to derive relevant lessons, to avoid any aggravations in future and realize the consequences of the war, its effects on the development of mankind,” Deputy Rector of the International Black Sea University, Natela Dogonadze said.

“Participation of the representatives from the National Defence Academy of Georgia in the conference is important for the development of those skills in thematic research, which our students will need in future for their scientific activities,” Irodi Kadagishvili of the Davit Agmashenebeli National Defence Academy of Georgia said.


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