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TSU, Ministry of Defense Sign Memorandum of Cooperation

The Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) and the Ministry of Defense of Georgia signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on April 6. The memorandum was signed by TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava and Commander of the Giorgi Antsukhelidze NCO Center, Lasha Davitadze.

Sergeant Major of the Georgian Armed Forces, Beso Khatiashvili and servicemen from the NCO Center, as well as TSU professors and students attended the event. 

TSU Rector, Vladimer Papava said: “The University has a good tradition of cooperation with government agencies and cooperation with the Defense Ministry is one of the distinguished directions in this regard. This cooperation was established long ago and actually it only acquires a formal nature now. It is a great honor for the university to host the representatives of our armed forces, because calmness, defense capacity and future of our country depends just on their activities. I wish success to all sergeants for the welfare of our country. I am sure that this memorandum will be mutually interesting and fruitful.”

“An interesting relationship has been established between the NCO Center and the Tbilisi State University. The university lecturers are delivering lectures on quite interesting topics. We arranged several open lessons in Kojori, where the center is located. Our sergeants showed huge interest in further continuation of similar relations,” Commander of the Giorgi Antsukhelidze NCO Center, Lasha Davitadze said. 

The purpose of the memorandum is to deepen knowledge of NCO personnel about international missions and conflicts through holding lectures, seminars and exchange visits; to promote integration of NCO personnel into the civil educational sector to ensure that TSU students and other representatives have closer relations with NCO personnel in order to familiarize themselves with the experience and capacities of Georgian Armed Forces.

Under the memorandum, the NCO Center will acquaint TSU students with the Center’s role and functions in the uniform system of Armed Forces, as well as with training weapons and equipment. On its part, the university will promote further rapprochement of TSU students and NCO servicemen with the purpose of sharing acquired knowledge and experience; NCO servicemen will get information about conflictology, conflict management and social psychology issues. Relevant trainings will also be held for them.

During past two years TSU lecturers held a series of seminars on conflict prevention and resolution issues for the students of the Giorgi Antsukhelidze NCO Center. Conflict emergence mechanisms, factors conducive to conflict escalation and de-escalation, various methods of conflict prevention and transformation were the key issues discussed during these seminars.


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