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Tri-national Summer University

A tri-national summer university was opened at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on June 9. 30 students (10 from each participating state) will be involved in the third stage of the summer university Future of Our Cities initiated by TSU, Nantes and Saarland universities. The first and the second stages of the tri-national summer university were held in Saarbrücken and Nantes, while the third one is being held in Tbilisi. 

The key goal of the tri-national summer university is to share knowledge in various disciplines taking into account all the academic and practical aspects; to promote interdisciplinary scientific activities; to facilitate multinational scientific dialogue; to discuss topics interesting for the society; to deepen social, linguistic and intercultural competences.

The project also aims at developing already existing network of summer universities and establishing a scientific network between the three cities. The summer university offers a broad program to its participants – lectures, discussions, workshops, practical studies and tours.

The project organizers are: the TSU Foreign Relations Department; the Institute of France at Saarland University; the Nantes Franco-German Cultural Center and the Information Center of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).


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