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Regional Academia Europaea Hub to Open at TSU

A regional Academia Europaea hub will be opened at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU). The purpose of the academic hub is to promote the development of science and research in the Caucasus region.

The delegation comprised of President of Academia Europaea, Professor Sierd Cloetingh, Vice President of European Research Council, Éva Kondorosi and Professor Alex Verkhratsky of the University of Oxford visited TSU on May 10. The issue of opening an Academia Europaea representation at TSU was discussed during the meeting with Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze. It was noted that the cooperation between TSU and Academia Europaea would be a signal for academic and scientific communities to expand the role of European academic community through bilateral cooperation and to develop European research area.

The hub planned at TSU will also cover Armenia and Azerbaijan that is an unprecedented development in the Caucasus region. A Memorandum of Cooperation will be signed and a symposium will be held at TSU on May 11, where the representatives of Academia Europaea will present papers covering the fields of neurology, biochemistry and earth sciences.


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