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Presentation of German Translation of the Knight in the Panthers Skin by Mikhako Tsereteli at International Book Festival

The Publishing House of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) took part in the 17th International Book Festival. A presentation of German translation of the Knight in the Panther’s Skin (Der Mann im Tigerfelle) by Mikhako Tsereteli was held in frames of the festival.

“The university is represented at the book festival by all of its latest editions. The Knight in the Panther’s Skin translated into German by a famous Georgian scientist and public figure, Mikhako Tsereteli has been presented today. I think that this is one of the most valuable publications in the history of Georgian publishing activity. Just this book – the Knight in the Panther’s Skin translated by Mikhako Tsereteli will be one of the books presented to the Frankfurt Book Festival in 2018,” Tamar Ebralidze, Director of TSU Publishing House, said. 

“German translation of the Knight in the Panther’s Skin by Mikhako Tsereteli is Georgia’s treasure, which had been considered lost until now. This publication is especially important as it comes with an exact text of the Knight in the Panther’s Skin, where the mistakes made by copyists had been corrected by Mikhako Tsereteli,” Associate Professor at the Department of Assyriology, Nino Samsonia said.

During the 17th International Book Festival the TSU Publishing House offered scientific literature and fiction to the readers.

“We offer special discounts and presents to the guests of the book festival. It is worth noting that a book store will be opened at the university on June 8 along with a club of friends and the latter will be able to enjoy special discounts during the whole year. Our key goal is to be interesting for the readers and students,” Tatia Mtvarelidze, coordinator of the university bookstores network, said.  


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