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Anniversary Photo Contest “Me - University”

The Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University hosted a presentation of an anniversary photo contest “Me – University.” Rector of the Tbilisi State University, Academician Vladimer Papava, Minister of Education and Science Tamar Sanikidze, representatives of executives and legislative authorities, business and culture spheres, TSU academic staff and students attended the event.

“The project reflects the past, present and future of the university through the celebrities. It unites all those people, who were creating the university’s tradition, who are now teaching at the university and who are successfully working in various spheres,” TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava said.

“It is an excellent exhibition; I have seen a lot of famous faces, including my beloved professors; I congratulate the Tbilisi State University on this day,” Minister of Education and Science, Tamar Sanikidze said.

The project covers the portraits of successful TSU alumni working in various spheres; it also involves memories and video clip, where the project participants speak about their emotions towards the university. 

The photo project “Me - University” was launched last year and implemented in three stages. Photographer Mindia Midelashvili, the author of 95 portraits, recollects the period of working on the project: “The work over the project was extremely interesting stemming from its diversity and content; portraits should have expressed emotion and character; I think that I managed to achieve the purpose and I am proud that I am a member of this project team.”  

All representatives of the university were encouraged to participate in selection of successful alumni. Each interested person could name three successful alumni in an online quiz posted on the university’s website. As a result, the project covered the persons of various age, activities and status, including present TSU students, who have already achieved success.

“We are proud that we are from this university. The Tbilisi State University is one of the greatest victories of 20th century Georgia,” TSU Professor Elguja Khintibidze, one of the project participants, said.

The date of holding the event is symbolic, as on February 12, 1918 (Julian calendar – January 30) Ivane Javakhishvili delivered his first lecture at the university.   


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