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The 6th Annual Symposium of the Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry

The 6th annual symposium of the Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry was opened at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Deputy Rector of TSU, Mikheil Chkhenkeli, Dean of the TSU Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Ramaz Khomeriki, representatives of the world’s top universities and students are attending the event.

Deputy Rector of TSU, Mikheil Chkhenkeli welcomed the participants and spoke about the productive cooperation between the TSU Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry and Italian, Turkish and other leading foreign universities. He also focused on the successful activities carried out by professors and students from the Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry in 2016 and emphasized TSU students’ interesting presentations at the symposium.

Bezhan Chankvetadze, the head of the Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, presented a brief performance report. He said that the Department is leading countrywide in terms of a number of articles published in impact factor journals and citation indices. “The symposium aims to summarize the scientific results of our department and institutes. Each speaker will present the results achieved in 2016. Besides professors, presentations will also be made by BA, MA and PhD students,” Bezhan Chankvetadze said. 

“Analytical chemistry is the field of my activity. This meeting is extremely important for Georgia and the Tbilisi State University. We learn a lot of things about TSU, and simultaneously, we want to provide certain information to the participants about our research field. I hope that this information will be valuable for your students. I want to thank your university for invitation and sharing such an opportunity,” Sibel A. Ozkan of Ankara University said.

A modern laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry will be opened on the sideline of the symposium. The symposium has been organized by the Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry of the TSU Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences and it will last for two days.

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