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70th Anniversary of Alexander Natishvili Institute of Morphology

On December 21, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) hosted a solemn event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Alexander Natishvili Institute of Morphology. Through decades, the Institute has established itself as a research center of international significance, where Georgian and foreign researchers have implemented over 600 qualification works. Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze said that the research conducted by the Institute of Morphology over the past years has aroused huge interest of foreign partners. Since 2015, a joint project is being implemented with the German Medical Center. Implementation of a new large-scale five-year project will start in 2017 in cooperation with Spanish partners. 

“We have important cooperation with the leading European universities: the Neuroscience School of Swedish Institute; Laboratory of Stem Cells; as well as the Department of Surgery and Experimental Surgery of the University of Seville in Spain,” Dean of the TSU Faculty of Medicine, Alexander Tsiskaridze said. He also noted that the Institute of Morphology has very interesting plans for future. 

Zaal Kokaia, Professor and Director of Lund Stem Cell Center, spoke about the future innovative research at the TSU Institute of Morphology. In his opinion, the merger of the Institute of Morphology with the Tbilisi State University is an important and essential component for modern education to combine science and education. “Our future goal is to create a modern, small-sized laboratory that will develop innovative research. Science permanently needs renewal, new ideas and directions,” he said.

“Although over the past 70 years the Institute passed through several serious stages of development, which was accompanied by a lot of difficulties, we managed to continue scientific traditions and to involve new directions and innovative research in traditional one,” Liana Gogilashvili, chairperson of the Institute’s Scientific Council, said.     

TSU Rector Giorgi Sharvashidze awarded the Tbilisi State University and Ivane Javakhishvili Medals to the representatives of Alexander Natishvili Institute of Morphology for their successful collaboration and scientific activities.

A documentary “Institute of Morphology - 70” dedicated to the solemn date was shown during the event.  


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