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Georgia’s Economy - Reforms and Pseudo-Reforms by Vladimer Papava

On April 14 the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) hosted a presentation of a book Georgia’s Economy – Reforms and Pseudo-Reforms by TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava. TSU students, professors and invited guests attended the event.

“It has been almost 25 years since Georgia gained independence; much has changed in our country’s economy during these 25 years both in the right and wrong directions. This book reflects and analyses how Georgia’s economy has changed during these 25 years, what particular tasks and challenges the country is facing and in which direction it should develop. The book is oriented to students, i.e. to the circle of readers, who wish to familiarize themselves better with Georgia’s economy. As the author, I tried to write the book using the language that would be comprehensible to the broader public. The readers will assess whether this goal was achieved,” Rector Papava said. 

The book discusses the essence of economic reforms implemented in Georgia since restoration of its independence. It analyses the achievements of economic reforms, as well as the mistakes made in this process. The book outlines the key road to economic reforms planned in Georgia in the near future.
“This book is a phenomenon in the life of Georgia’s economic science. The author highlighted those ideas and visions, which were being established for years. Vladimer Papava was a direct participant of the processes developing in Georgia’s economy since the country gained its independence and the information gathered during those years is concentrated and systematized in his book. This is a very interesting book and I hope that it will become a desk book for each and every economist, no matter which spheres they are involved in and what problems they are working on,” TSU Professor Elguja Mekvabishvili said.

The book is designed for economists, higher educational institutions with an economic profile, students and professors from the faculties of economics, as well as for a wider circle of readers interested in economic issues.


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