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Presentation of Preliminary Results of Global Survey My World Conducted in Georgia

On October 24 the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University hosted a presentation of the preliminary results of a global survey My World conducted in Georgia.
TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, Parliamentary Chairman Davit Usupashvili, Deputy Healthcare Minister Maka Jashi and UN Resident Coordinator in Georgia Niels Scott attended the event.

TSU Rector Vladimer Papava said that “according to the UN survey, education is a priority in Georgia. It turned out that education is a priority for the rest of the world too. Presentation of this project was held at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University – the center of education. We believe that such survey is important and our students and professors should be involved in it more actively. The doors of our university will always be open for the implementation of similar projects.”

“The survey has revealed global needs and the results of this survey will have influence on the 2015 Summit of World Leaders. The tasks of the near future worldwide were also outlined. Education, healthcare and employment issues are the priorities for Georgia. We are glad that all these are in line with the priorities of our government,” Parliamentary Chairman Davit Usupashvili said.

According to the preliminary data, 80% of respondents name further improvements in education (78%), employment (71%) and healthcare (66%) spheres as the priorities for the next decade. One of the key issues is good governance with 49% of respondents supporting it. 

According to UN Resident Coordinator in Georgia Niels Scott, the conducted survey is extremely important to further proceed and to plan new programs together with the Georgian government. He also said that the implementation of Millennium Development Goals would complete in 2015 and the world should agree on further goals and priorities. “I am glad that the survey has been conducted in Georgia and we will continue close cooperation with the Georgian government so that to plan new programs on the basis of survey results,” he added.

Over 3 000 respondents were interviewed during the survey launched in summer. The data were collected by means of focus groups, website and short text messages.

My World is a global survey asking respondents to choose their priorities for a better world. An unprecedented international process has covered over 190 countries of the world. Respondents fill out a questionnaire and select six priorities out of 16 issues.  

My World survey is conducted in Georgia on initiative of the United Nations in close cooperation with the Georgian government, civil society and academic circles.  


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