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Conversations at the Reading Hall of the National Palace

On November 26, the reading hall of the National Palace hosted a meeting with Rector of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), Giorgi Sharvashidze and TSU Associate Professor and one of the initiators of No to Barbarisms movement, Tina Margalitadze. The meeting was held within the framework of the project Conversations at the Reading Hall of the National Palace.
Rector Giorgi Sharvashidze spoke about the importance and necessity of protecting the Georgian language, as well as the problem of abundance of barbarisms in the language that leads to losing its identity and uniqueness.  “We should not introduce such terms in Georgian, which already have their equivalents. Each language is unique in terms of perceiving the world differently.” He also emphasized that TSU was the first university on the former territory of Russian Empire, where instruction was carried out in the native language.
Professor Tina Margalitadze delivered a lecture on barbarisms in the Georgian language. She noted that although the language is a living organism and the process of introduction of foreign terms and words is somehow a natural process, it is essential to find a golden mean. She spoke about the barbarisms introduced from English and Russian languages and explained in which cases it is admissible or not to use barbarisms.    

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