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Professor Gerry Simpson visiting Tbilisi State University

Within the framework of long-standing cooperation of International Law Institute of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University with Professor Gerry Simpson (the Kenneth Bailey Chair of International Law in the Melbourne Law School. Visiting professor of international law at the London School of Economics and Political Science - LSE) The Lecture Series in Contemporary International Law and Challenges are launched. The Lectures by Professor Gerry Simpson are scheduled from 19 to 21 March 2015.

The Program is as follows:

Thu, March 19

17:00 - 18:30 - Topic: Outlaw states; Auditorium 218 (II Building of TSU)

Fri, March 20

11:00 - 12:30 - Topic: Use of force and the Ukrainian Crisis;  Auditorium 331 (UN Auditorium, II Building of TSU)

18:00 - 19:30 - Topic: Notion of International Law and Reality ?  Auditorium 218 (II Building of TSU)

Sat, March 21

10:00 - 12:00 - Topic: International Criminal Law and Human Rights  (Institute of European Studies, 406, II Building of TSU)   


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