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Call for International Conference

“European Values and Identity: Multiple Dimensions of Europeanization”

Organizers: Center for Social Sciences, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia Proeuropa, Georgian Community of France
Conference date: October 25-26, 2016
Conference venue: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Conference language(s): Georgian, English, and French (simultaneous translation will be provided)

Center for Social Sciences, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia Proeuropa and Georgian Community of France invite you to participate in an international conference titled "European Values and Identity: Multiple Dimensions of Europeanization", which will take place October 25-26, 2016, at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.

The processes of Europeanization and EU integration, as mechanisms for spreading EU norms and values, are of the utmost importance in contemporary Georgia, especially after the signing of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement on June 27, 2014. The Association Agreement forms the basis for the countrys political development, access to the common European market and establishment of European values and standards, thus, it is essential to gain a proper understanding of the political, economic and cultural dimensions of Europeanization and to deepen academic discourse regarding the process.  Accordingly, the conference covers the following basic areas:

1. The Political Dimension of Europeanization
•    The EU’s normative influence: foreign and neighborhood policy;
•    The EUs Enlargement eastward and its impact on member states;
•    The EU, Russia and the contested neighborhood - political strategies and security;
•    The European Union and the Eurasian Union –prospects for Eastern Partnership countries;
•    The impact of Europeanization on the transformation of political systems;
•    The impact of Europeanization on political and popular discourses;
•    Nationalism and postnationalism: from traditional consciousness to European values;
•    Europeanization, open borders, and migration: consequences for member and non-member states.

2. The Economic Dimension of Europeanization
•    The EU’s normative influence: trade relations;
•    The common market and economic leverages for spreading European values;
•    European socio-economic models and the prospects for their export outside the EU;
•    The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement as a tool of Europeanization;
•    The current economic crisis and the transformation of European values.

3. The Cultural Dimension of Europeanization
•    The role of European literature and philosophy in shaping and spreading European values;
•    Linguistic and literary paradigms in the context of European values;
•    Cultural and language differences and approaches toward them in EU countries;
•    The European Union and the prospects for creating a common “European identity”;
•    The imaginary map of Europe: the center-periphery discourse and the imaginary borders;
•    The role of the Church in the process of Europeanization: The experience of Eastern Europe and the Eastern Partnership countries;
•    European values and the European educational space: the Bologna process and the Europeanization of higher education.

The conference is multidisciplinary, and papers from the following fields will be accepted: social and political sciences, economics, law, humanities, and education sciences.

Papers will be accepted from both experienced researchers and MA/PhD students. The best student paper will be awarded.

Publishing the papers
The conference papers will be reviewed by experts internationally and the best 10 papers will be published in the CSS produced English-language online peer-reviewed journal “The Caucasus Social Science Review”. Articles will be published only in English. Participants should submit completed papers by December 1, 2016.

Key dates
Submission of abstracts: July 15, 2016
Informing participants: August 1, 2016
Refusal to participate in the conference: September 20, 2016
Requesting audio-visual equipment (if necessary): September 25, 2016
Initial program: October 1, 2016
Conference Dates: October 25-26, 2016
Submission of complete papers for publication: December 1, 2016

Conference Venue
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. 1 Chavchavadze Ave., 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia.

Conference Language(s)
The conference will be held in Georgian, English, and French. Simultaneous translations will be provided.

Travel and Accommodation
Please find the useful information for international participants (maps, transportation, list of hotels, etc.) at the following link:

Participants must cover their own travel and accommodation costs. The travel and hotel expenses will not be reimbursed. Confirmation letters will be provided for those applicants who need visas to travel to Georgia.
If you have any questions, please, contact us at

Conference webpage: ;

The conference is co-funded by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, Center for Social Sciences, and  Georgia Proeuropa.


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