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TBC Bank’s One-Year Paid Internship Program for Students

TBC Bank is pleased to invite students to one-year paid internship program at the Department of Information Technologies.  

TBC Bank offers successful students:
• One-year paid internship at the Department of Information Technologies of TBC Bank;
• Familiarization with new technologies and new challenges;
• Possibility of rotation in various units of the Department;
• Work hours adjustable to the academic schedule

Interns’ involvement in the project:
• Team project:
- Interns will establish a team and work on technological projects that are strategically important for the bank;
- Successful projects will be submitted to the heads of the departments and units of information technologies, who will then make decisions on their implementation.   

Selection stages:
- CVs can be sent through March 15 to the following e-mail address:   
- Testing – interviews – case studies

All students selected in frames of the program will receive certificates; in case of successful completion of internship, they will join TBC Bank’s team.   



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