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"History of the US Legal System"

Institute for European Studies of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in close cooperation with the Institute of American Studies invites all interested parties to the public lecture series given by Honorary Vice-Consulate of the Republic of Georgia, invited professor to the several Georgian universities and Of Counsel of the Law firm “Hall Booth Smith” Mr. William Scott Henwood.

The topic of the public lecture series: History of the US Legal System.

Detailed timetable of the public lectures:
15 MAY – 13:00 – 14:00, I Building of TSU, Auditorium 301
16 MAY – 13:00 – 14:00, I Building of TSU, Auditorium 317
17 MAY – 12:00 – 13:00, TSU Institute for European Studies, II Building of TSU, Room 406.

Those participants who will attend all of the lectures will be awarded with the certificates of participation on 17th of May. 

If you would like to attend the public lecture series, please, send your name and surname (in both Georgian and English languages) to the following E-mail address: Please, do not forget to indicate “Public Lecture” in the subject line.



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