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Portuguese Poetry into Georgian

On the 27th April, at 13:00, at the TSU Portuguese Language Center [Building II, room 203], we will have a Translation Workshop, focusing on translating Portuguese Poetry into Georgian. The workshop is intended for Portuguese language students (or anyone with at least a A2 command of the language).
Nuno Júdice, Gastão Cruz and António Ramos Rosa are some of the authors whose works will be translated.

Guranda Pachulia taught Italian at TSU between 2004 and 2011. Since 2012 she has been working at the Brazilian Embassy in Tbilisi and this year she also teaches Portuguese at the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She was awarded the Camões Institute Scholarship in 2005-2006.

The resulting translations of this workshop will be read in the upcoming Conference: “Garb Al-Andalus and Algarve contemporary poetry: a game of mirrors in Portuguese literature”, by João Ventura [President of the Institute for Ibero-Atlantic Culture, Portimão, Portugal], that will take place on the 7th May, at the TSU Event Hall at 17:00, as part of the celebration of the International Day of Portuguese Language.


This event is part of a series of Conferences/Workshops in English titled "Portuguese and Brazilian Culture for Beginners", taking place throughout the present academic year at the Portuguese Language Center at TSU and is open to anyone who wishes to know a bit more about Portugal and Brazils traditions, music, literature, society, cultural heritage, etc..

To keep updated on the various conferences/workshops to come, check the Portuguese at TSU facebook page regularly (

Entrance is free but places are limited to the space available at the Language Center so, if you want to secure your place, send an e-mail to


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