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Presentation of the Book “Classic Writer”

A presentation of the book “Classic Writer” by Doctor of Philological Sciences, Prof. Valeri Asatiani was held at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on December 18. The book is dedicated to Grigol Tsereteli, a distinguished Georgian scientist, one of the founders of Papyrology and founder of the Georgian scientific school of Classical Philology. The auditorium named after Grigol Tsereteli was also opened at TSU on the sideline of the presentation.

Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze said that “Grigol Tsereteli was one of the founders of Tbilisi State University; he was a very prominent papyrologist, a person who established an entire direction in science and who remains one of the most popular Georgian scientists, whose works are cited and referred to,” the Rector said.

Prof. Valeri Asatiani said that much has been done at the University to commemorate Grigol Tsereteli; the book has been released, which contains new materials unknown to the public. “The present generation of TSU honored the memory of Grigol Tsereteli. The auditorium was opened after his name. Our goal is to ensure that future generations have more information about Grigol Tsereteli and we will probably achieve this goal,” the author of the book said.

The event was organized by the TSU Institute of Classical Philology, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies.


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