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Student Photo Contest UNIkadri

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University is pleased to announce a student photo contest UNIkadri.

Take a photo depicting the university, become a winner and win the prizes.

Contestants have to submit photos depicting:
•    The university’s façade and details of the building;
•    Internal university infrastructure: museums, library, labs, bookstore, observatory, café;
•    Learning process and portraits captured in this process;

Main prizes
Paid internship at the Department of Public Relations
A gift set from the TSU bookstore network

The prizes will be distributed among three winners.
The jury will select 20 best photos, which will be exhibited at the university. The jury consists of the following members: Guram Tsibakhashvili, Mindia Midelashvili and Nino Kutateladze.

Interested persons have to send photos from April 1 to April 20 to the following or upload them to Instagram #თსუუნიკადრი tagging the university.

Necessary requirements:
Only TSU students (from all the three steps) are eligible to participate in the contest;
Keep within topic;
Only one photo will be received;
Send a high resolution photo or upload a photo taken with your mobile phone to Instagram tagging the university;
Photos with any identifying marks will not be accepted;
Along with photos, contestants have to send personal data to the competition e-mail: name and surname, faculty, telephone number. When uploading to Instagram, contestants need to indicate names and surnames, as well as the last four digits of their personal identification numbers.  


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