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Guram Lortkipanidze’s 80th Anniversary Marked at TSU

“My thoughts are with my university,” Emeritus Prof. Guram Lortkipanidze, famous archaeologist and corresponding member of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, said at a solemn evening held at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on October 4 to mark his 80th anniversary. Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze; Ambassador of Israel to Georgia, Shabtai Tsur; representatives of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences; professors from the TSU Faculty of Humanities; Lortkipanidze’s family members and students attended the event.   

Rector George Sharvashidze congratulated Guram Lortkipanidze on his 80th anniversary and thanked him for his contribution to the University’s development. “Mr. Guram Lortkipanidze had led the Department for years; he is the author of a lot of papers; he has released over 300 works, including 12 monographs and textbooks. The Bichvinta archaeological expedition is most important throughout his activities. He still leads the Israel Center at TSU and continues scientific activities,” George Sharvashidze said.

“Naturally, today is a very exciting day and I am glad that my university has been listed among the best European universities. Let me suppose that there is my small contribution in it. I would like to wish our students great success because the future of our country and our university depends just on their dedication, diligence and what is most important, their education,” Guram Lortkipanidze said.    

A documentary depicting Guram Lortkipanidze’s life and work was screened during the event (author: Nino Kakulia – editor of newspaper Tbilisis Universiteti); moreover, presentation of the book dedicated to Guram Lortkipanidze’s 80th anniversary and an exhibition “Everything about the famous archaeologist” was also held.

Guram Lortkipanidze has been TSU professor since 1997, first at the Department of History and then at the Department of Archeology. Upon his initiative, the Department of the History and Theory of Culture was founded at the Faculty of History. He leads the Israel Center at TSU. In 2009, Guram Lortkipanidze was elected the corresponding member of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences. For years, he had been taking part in various archaeological diggings. Since 1975 he had been the leader of Bichvinta archaeological expedition. He is the author of 12 monographs and textbooks, as well as about 300 scientific papers.

Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze awarded the TSU Anniversary Medal to Guram Lortkipanidze for his contribution to the development of TSU and his long pedagogical and scientific activities.  


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