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International Conference “8th Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop 2020”

About one hundred famous physicists from European and American countries are participating in the international conference “8th Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop 2020” being held at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on January 27-31. The High Energy Physics Institute of TSU is hosting the conference. The conference is featuring reports from experienced scientists showing the status of test beam facilities that are operated in the world-wide particles accelerator centers, the results from recent test beam studies, and also tutorials to teach the software required to analyze the results will be carried out. 

“Noteworthy that our Physics Institute and our researchers take a leading place in modern science. Prominent scientists specialized in the field of physics, including Georgian physicists working at leading international research centers, are participating in the conference to share their experience in modern research and challenges,” Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze said.

“Fundamental research of physics is extremely important. Along with foreign scientists, Georgian students and scientists are also attending the workshop. Georgia has not been selected as the host of this event accidentally. We are making a special contribution to these experiments. Therefore, our guests arrived in Georgia and we are ready to share our achievements with each other,” Irakli Minashvili of the TSU High Energy Physics Institute, team leader of ATLAS experiment, noted.  

The international conference “8th Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop 2020” has gathered over 70 physicists from the United States and various countries of Europe and Asia (France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, Greece, Czech Republic, China, South Korea and etc.) to cover a wide range of topics related to test beams for detector studies in tracking detectors, calorimetry and beyond.

Famous scientists are taking part in the conference. Particularly, the following key physicists, the leading  experts in the fields of test beam telescopes, test beam facilities and infrastructures, test beam experiments performance and data analysis as well as the organizers of the previous Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshops in 2012-2019 and also the current workshop, are participating: Hendrik  Jansen (DESY, Hamburg, Germany), Marisol Robles (MainZ, Germany), Simon Spannagel (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland), Henric Wilkens (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland).


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