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Student Academic Conference: “Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921): Personalities, Developments, Reforms, Achievements and Mistakes”

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University always marks an anniversary date of the Democratic Republic of Georgia with various events. This year it hosted a student academic conference “Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921): Personalities, Developments, Reforms, Achievements and Mistakes”. The conference was held on May 28 online due to the coronavirus pandemic. The event was organized by the TSU Library and students of various stages participated in it. 11 student papers were selected for the conference. 
The conference topics were diverse. Students mainly focused on a three-year period of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, its achievements and significance, women’s involvement in legislative activities, foreign relations, domestic policy, Georgian Mensheviks and autocephalous movement, the 1924 uprising and its importance.     
Zurab Gaiparashvili, head of the TSU Library, who also attended the conference, expressed his readiness to support the creation of an online journal. 
Certificates and gift packages containing new publications of TSU Library were handed over to the participants of the conference. 
Presentation of new publications created on the issue of May 26 (Independence Day) will be held in the near future.

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