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Elections of TSU Representative Council (Senate) and Student Self-Governance

Academics and students of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) elected members of the Representative Council (Senate) and Student Self-Governance on November 16.

Chairman of the Election Commission, Giorgi Chakvetadze said that the elections were held without violations. “All polling stations were opened at 10am. The Senate and Student Self-Governance Elections were over at 5pm and 6pm, respectively. Election commissions conducted successful vote tabulation,” he said, adding that no complaints were received from election observers.

23 observers, including from Georgian Bar Association, Center for Democratic Initiatives, European Law Students’ Association as well as independent observers monitored the elections. Ana Gogolauri of Georgian Bar Association noted that the election process proceeded in a calm atmosphere and no violations were revealed by observers. 

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