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The World Belongs to You! – Rector’s Speech at Graduation Ceremony 2019

“Frequently, we are so proud of being the first university in the Caucasus. Until presently, TSU has been the champion in various university rankings, but it is not the main thing. TSU is the champion in something else – and it is called love and freedom, because being a TSU student means being a free person,” Rector of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, George Sharvashidze said in his opening speech at the 2019 graduation ceremony on July 30. He also said that this day is “different and special” for each TSU student, because a 300 000-strength army of TSU alumni has been further increased by about 3000 graduates.

George Sharvashidze congratulated students on graduation, noting that despite difficulties they managed to complete their BA studies successfully. The Rector also congratulated parents and professors on the solemn day.

“The best speech I have ever heard belonged to a person, who did not have any formal education; neither had he graduated from a college or a university. It was Steve Jobs and he said the most important thing in his commencement address to the graduates of Stanford University that the world belongs to you. So, there are no restrictions. This world is yours! This country is yours! You are tomorrow of this country, you create our tomorrow!

One more thing that I want to say today – besides the fact that you are members of our large family, the TSU door will always remain open for you. Many of you will return to TSU and continue studies on MA and PhD programs; many of you will become professors, members of the Academic Council; some of you will become the Rector of TSU. But you should always know that you are members of one large family and this large family consists of TSU alumni,” the Rector said.

He continued that TSU alumni are everywhere, in public or private sectors and they will always assist the members of TSU’s large family, in any critical situations.

“Today, you start building of your future, not only your own future, but the future of your country. Let me wish you success in building this future!

Now, you are not far from the moment, when you will throw your graduation caps in the air and be sure that the higher you throw your caps, the greater success you will achieve in life.

Let me again congratulate you on the today’s success and wish you that this success becomes the prerequisite for many other successes in your life.

Remember TSU!”

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