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The 8th International Scientific Conference “Space, Society, Politics”

The 8th International Scientific Conference “Space, Society, Politics” was opened at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on June 26. Zoom, the video conferencing service, is used to hold the conference online amid the coronavirus pandemic. Professors, students and researchers from around the world (USA, UK, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Russia, Azerbaijan) are participating in the online conference. 
Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze and Dean of the TSU Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Tamar Dolbaia welcomed the participants. 
The conference topics cover human geography, political science, journalism and mass communication, international relations, economic, regional and national studies, globalization, etc. 
The 8th International Scientific Conference “Space, Society, Politics” is dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and it will last till June 27. 


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