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Education Minister Inspects Rehabilitation Works at 2nd Building of TSU

Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli, Deputy Minister Nunu Mitskevich and Rector of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), George Sharvashidze inspected the second stage of rehabilitation works at the 2nd Building of TSU. The project is being implemented with the support of the Ministry of Education and the total budget of the second stage is GEL 21.3 million. 
Rector George Sharvashidze said that it is the largest project underway at the University, which provides an opportunity for creating a European-level research and education space for students and academics. He also noted that the learning process will partially be restored at the 2nd Building from September 2020, while the complete rehabilitation of the building will be over in 2021. “It is only the beginning. The 2nd Building will be modern, European-level research and education space. We plan to complete rehabilitation of all infrastructure buildings of Tbilisi State University throughout 2023,” Rector Sharvashidze said. 
Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, Mikheil Chkhenkeli expressed his satisfaction with the project results. He noted that quite soon, TSU will have a modern education space. 
“Today, we visited Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and inspected the rehabilitation process at the 2nd Building. First, I would like to remind the public that rehabilitation of the 1st Building was fully financed by Mr. Bidzina Ivanishvili and Cartu Foundation. As a result, today TSU has a worthy 1st Building - the one that our Alma Mater deserves,” Mikheil Chkhenkeli said, adding that “presently, rehabilitation works are underway at the 2nd Building, which also is a historical building. The total budget of the project is GEL 27 million and it is the gift of the state in connection with TSU’s 100th anniversary. Intensive works are underway, and I am very satisfied with the first results.”    
Head of TSU Administration, Lasha Saghinadze said that the first stage of renovation works started in 2018 and the Ministry of Education allocated GEL 5.7 million for this purpose. As part of the first stage, the building was consolidated, its roof and windows were changed, the façade, toilets and central heating system were renovated. 
The second stage of rehabilitation works involves complete renovation of the building; fire and ventilation systems as well as elevators will be installed. A total of 25,000 sq./m era will be rehabilitated. 
The learning process will not be suspended due to internal renovation works. Lectures will be held at various buildings of TSU. 
The 2nd Building of TSU was built in 1940. It was designed by architect Mikheil Shavishvili in line with the architecture and style of TSU’s 1st Building. 
Presently, Tbilisi State University incorporates 27 buildings used for academic and research purposes.   


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