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TSU Maintains Leading Positions among Georgian Research Centers

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) maintains leading positions among Georgian research centers. It has obtained most grants in the basic research grants competition announced by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation in 2017.

36 out of 86 winning projects were submitted by TSU (45%). In addition, TSU co-participated in three projects. In joint winning projects, TSU scientists are cooperating with researchers from Ilia State University, Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts and Ivane Beritashvili Center of Experimental Biomedicine.

Call for Basic Research Grants aims at supporting the development of scientific research in Georgia, generating a new knowledge, analyzing theories and models with experimental and theoretical methods and therefore creating perspectives on economic, social and political, cultural and informational progress in the country.

Basic research grant proposals may refer to wide variety of scientific disciplines such as natural sciences, medicine, agrarian sciences, social and political sciences, humanities, Georgian studies, engineering and technologies.

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