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Training to Develop a Culture of Academic Writing and Academic Integrity

The training cycle aimed to develop a culture of academic writing and academic integrity is underway at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University through coordination of its Quality Assurance Service. The purpose of the training is to inform and help students develop relevant skills in the following directions:

- Academic writing style, its requirements, characteristics and linguistic means;

- Requirements and characteristics of BA/MA/PhD papers;

- What is plagiarism? How to avoid plagiarism?

- Use of Turnitin

16 students of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences attended the training on May 4-5.

The training is being carried out within the framework of the Erasmus-funded project “Academic Integrity for Quality Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (INTEGRITY).” The project partners are: four European educational institutions – University of Roehampton (England), University of Uppsala (Sweden), University of Vienna (Austria) and Dublin City University (Ireland), as well as twelve Georgian higher educational institutions, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement.

The purpose of the project is to develop relevant policy and mechanisms for protecting academic integrity at higher educational institutions of Georgia in order to identify, prevent and eradicate the cases of plagiarism at Georgian higher educational institutions. The project is being coordinated by TSU Quality Assurance Service.

Four training cycles were held within the framework of the project in 2018. The TSU Library and the National Science Library are also involved in the project to ensure the initiative sustainability and continuous provision of students with this service.

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