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Tbilisi to Host International Congress of Comparative Literature

On May 21, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) and International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on holding an International Congress of Comparative Literature jointly. Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze and President of ICLA, Sandra Berman signed the Memorandum. 
Under the Memorandum, the XXIII International Congress of the AILC-ICLA will take place in Tbilisi from 25 to 30 July 2022 and it will be co-hosted by TSU and Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature.
Rector Sharvashidze said that the Memorandum has paved the way for beginning active preparations for the congress. “Now, it is necessary to set up international and local organizing committees; the list of main guests should also be composed. A lot of interesting and prominent people will arrive – people who love literature. We are proud that an event of such scale will be held for the first time in a post-Soviet country. Tbilisi will really turn into the capital of world literature during those days,” he noted, adding that along with the capital city, regions will also be engaged in the Congress as much as possible. 
Irma Ratiani, director of Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature at TSU, hailed the decision of holding the Congress in Tbilisi as “very important.” “2 000 delegates will arrive in Tbilisi to participate in the Congress, among them leading literary critics, culturologists, translators, publishers, writers. We hope that the period of preparations for the Congress will be fruitful,” she noted. 
The first International Congress of the AILC-ICLA was held in Venice (Italy) in 1955. Last year, it was hosted by Macau, China. 
The theme of the 2022 Congress will be: “Re-Imagining Literatures of the World: Global and Local, Mainstreams and Margins”.
The format of the Congress involves holding of various workshops and thematic meetings, including meetings with Georgian writers and literary critics. 
Holding the 2022 Congress in Tbilisi will significantly increase the scales of internationalization of Georgian literature. 
The Congress will be co-organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sport of Georgia and Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. 

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