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TSU - Walk With Us

Make a choice in favor of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University – a choice in favor of the university lifestyle and thinking, education, tradition, future and development.
This year the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University will receive the 96th generation of students. The first university is still waiting for the first – most talented, top rated, most motivated, most cheerful, most athletic, most successful young people, those, who decide that they want “to join us” and there will be 4670 such entrants, who will become TSU students.
201 accredited educational programs are implemented at six faculties (humanities; exact and natural sciences; medicine; social and political sciences; economics and business; law) of TSU, including 62 bachelor’s degree programs; 3 one-step (medical) program; 88 master’s degree programs; 41 doctoral degree programs; 5 vocational programs; 3 Georgian language teaching programs (for ethnic Azerbaijani, Armenian and Abkhazian students).
Why Choose the Tbilisi State University
1.    According to the statistical data, the Faculty of Economics and Business is a leader in Georgia by the number of top rated first-year students.
The faculty offers “Managing International Enterprises” joint master program of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena (Germany) with Georgian and English as instruction languages.  
Joint scientific conferences and seminars are held. Various famous experts and businessmen deliver lecturers at the faculty with the status of visiting professors. Among them is a German businessman, Claus Hipp. Every year he personally selects two or three students and finances their summer practice at his enterprise in Germany.

Student Internships and Employment
The TSU Faculty of Economics and Business tries its best to promote student internships and strengthen their theoretical knowledge with practice. For this purpose, it signs agreements and memorandums with various private entities and government agencies. The alumni have an opportunity to get employment at the government agencies, commercial structures, non-governmental organizations, scientific and educational institutions, as well as international organizations.
2.    The TSU Faculty of Law has the richest and frequently updated educational library. The Faculty of Law offers students both internal university and external institutional scholarships, such as the scholarship program of the Notary Chamber of Georgia.
3.    Students of the Faculty of Humanities can deepen their theoretical and practical knowledge in educational-scientific expeditions. The archaeology teaching laboratory functions at the Faculty of Humanities, where students can study laboratory processing of archaeological materials.   
4.    TSU is the only higher educational institutional in Georgia, which enables students to obtain bachelor’s degrees in occupational therapy. The Faculty of Medicine cooperates with the Faculty of Medicine of the Munich Technical University, as well as with the Klinikum Großhadern of the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich.
5.    Through practical studies introduced at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences by directions, students can undergo practical studies at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Parliament of Georgia; the Georgian Public Broadcaster; radio stations and newspaper editorial offices; Social Research Center; Dayhome of Social Therapy; National Examinations Center, Training Center of Justice, etc.
6.    In terms of scientific research, the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences is an indisputable leader at the university and in this regard it takes a distinguished place in Georgia.

Exchange Programs and Scholarships
TSU cooperates with about 300 higher educational institutions. TSU has exchange bachelor’s and master’s degree programs with 18 foreign universities. Under signed agreements, a partner university provides accommodation and scholarship to invited students.
According to the quotas allocated for 2012, the exchange programs were implemented with the universities of Tartu (Estonia), Latvia, Vilnius (Lithuania), Viadrina European University (Germany), as well as Helsinki (Finland), Leiden (Holland) and other universities.  
From 2013 exchange programs have been renewed within the framework of four new projects for students, young researchers and academic staff of the university.
International School of Economics - ISET
The International School of Economics was founded at the Tbilisi State University, where the program adheres to international academic standards. Visiting professors from various countries of the world deliver lectures at the university. The enrolled students can undergo free studies during their first semester on master’s degree program. Along with Future Leader Scholarships, the best students can study at the U.S and western European universities during one semester; undergo practical studies in the government, non-governmental sectors or private companies or else continue their doctoral studies at prestigious western universities.

International School of Tourism
 The International School of Tourism has been functioning since the 2011-2012 academic year. Along with theoretical studies, students can also obtain practical education through internships at the best hotels, tourist agencies, various ministries, municipality and various organizations of the country.
Internships abroad! Internships abroad are planned for the best students. This issue has actually been agreed with higher educational institutions of Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Turkey, Poland, Ukraine, China and other countries, as well as with various tourist companies.

TSU Library
TSU Library offers its readers a number of such books which cannot be found in any library of Georgia. Presently, the university fund contains millions of library documents. To ensure that the scientific achievements of the world leading research centers are available to TSU students and academic staff, the access to electronic library databases is provided annually.

During the 2013-2014 academic year 4670 students will be enrolled to bachelor’s degree program. The state will fully finance the studies of 1225 students on the following educational programs: philology (Georgian language and literature), history, archaeology, philosophy, primary education, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and economics. Moreover, 70%, 50% and 30% state grants will be provided to other directions.

In the near future TSU will offer novelties to the students. In particular, the Masters High School will be established at the university. It will be a coordinating mechanism to help students select the best period for their master’s degree studies. Number of research-oriented interdisciplinary and interfaculty programs will increase.
TSU students are directly involved in the university management process through the student self-government elected by students.
TSU students have a very active student life. They participate in various conferences, expeditions, and are united in student arts groups.  
Join TSU! TSU alumni always played and still play an important role in the political, economic and cultural life of the country. TSU alumni are leading scientists at the world universities and scientific-research centers.


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