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Sakura Trees Planted in the Yard of 1st Building of TSU

The Embassy of Japan to Georgia has gifted cherry blossom (Sakura) saplings to Georgian universities. Rector of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), George Sharvashidze, Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, Mikheil Chkhenkeli and Japanese Ambassador to Georgia, Tadaharu Uehara planted some of the saplings in the inner yard of the 1st Building of TSU on February 26. Mikheil Chkhenkeli thanked the Embassy of Japan for the gift and expressed hope that blooming Sakura would become a symbol of friendship between Georgia and Japan. The Embassy of Japan has already gifted over 100 saplings of Sakura to Tbilisi. Most of them were planted in the Tbilisi Botanical Garden and some in the yards of various universities. It is worth noting that Japanese gardeners selected the most blooming varieties of Sakurafor Tbilisi. 

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