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Korneli Kekelidze – 140

On May 15, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) hosted an exhibition marking the 140th birth anniversary of one of the founders of TSU, Academician Korneli Kekelidze. Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze, students and professors attended the event.

Visitors had a unique opportunity to view documentary materials stored at the Kiev Theological Academy and the National Archives covering Korneli Kekelidze’s studies and activities in Kiev. Assessments made by scientists and clerics about Korneli Kekelidze’s scientific papers were also exhibited.

His dissertation paper “Georgian liturgical monuments in domestic book depositories and their scientific importance” was also displayed. Korneli Kekelidze was awarded master’s degree for this thesis in 1908.

Rector George Sharvashidze said that Korneli Kekelidze was offered to stay in Kiev, but he decided to return to Georgia and take an active part, together with Ivane Javakhishvili, in foundation of TSU.

“Korneli Kekelidze fully dedicated himself to Georgian science and its popularization, source criticism, working on monuments to further show them to the world. It was unique work that lasted for years,” Rector Sharvashidze noted.

Academician Mzekala Shanidze noted that Ivane Javakhishvili and Korneli Kekelidze were quite young when they first showed interest in Georgian literature and history.

“Korneli Kekelidze’s earlier works were written in the early 20th century. He actually laid the foundation for systemic research of Georgian literature, revealed various fields existing in Georgian literature and highlighted their importance not only for Georgian, but generally for all branches of humanities,” Mzekala Shanidze said.

The exhibition marking Korneli Kekelidze’s 140th birth anniversary will last at TSU Museum for two weeks.

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