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Affiliated Certificate Course in Copyright Awards Ceremony

42 students of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), who successfully completed the Affiliated Certificate Course in Copyright jointly implemented by TSU and Harvard Law School, were awarded certificates on June 25.

The collaboration between TSU Law Faculty and Harvard Law School enabled students to deepen their knowledge in copyright law and attend CopyrightX, a twelve-week networked course created and directed by Professor William Fisher.

Dean of the TSU Faculty of Law, Tamar Zarandia said that the interest towards the course was huge. “Out of 450 registered students, 50 were selected with 42 having successfully completed the course. The TSU Faculty of Law has a wide network of institutional cooperation. This year, we implemented the certificate course with Harvard School for the first time and that is very important,” she said.

The course included both distance and local learning. Distance learning course was led by Professor William Fisher and local learning course was held weekly at TSU under the guidance of Mariam Gubianuri and Ketevan Uridia, PhD students of TSU Faculty of Law.

“The course is very interesting. We learned a lot of things especially as there are very few cases in Georgia in this regard. We gained good experience and deepened theoretical and practical knowledge,” TSU student, Tornike Petriashvili said.

The course lasted for 12 weeks. Students who successfully passed final exams were awarded certificates of TSU and Harvard Law School.



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