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TSU Innovation

The best student innovation projects were revealed at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) within the framework of the TSU Innovation project. In frames of the project prepared by the initiative group of student physicists, TSU students presented their innovative ideas. The eight best projects were exhibited at the university foyer. Cash prizes were awarded to the authors of the three best projects. The first place was won by the project “Innovative Aviation and Cosmic Technologies” authored by Giorgi Kachlishvili, student of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences. International science centers have already shown interest towards his project.   
“Healthy competition is a precondition for success and similar projects will enable us to reveal talented young people. As far as my project is concerned, it concerns aviation and cosmic technologies. I launched it several years ago and presently I am cooperating with several universities and I also try to establish cooperation with NASA,” Giorgi Kachlishvili said. In his opinion, similar projects should be implemented in future as well that will significantly support young scientists.
Revaz Kakabadze and Otar Kavtaradze, authors of the project Stellar Business Management System that win the second place, are the students of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences. The third place was won by the project Quark prepared by Ekaterine Dadiani, Ana Lomashvili and Lana Rekhviashvili, who represent the TSU Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences and the Department of Electrical Engineering at San Diego State University.   
Giorgi Meshveliani, TSU student and one of the authors of the TSU Innovation project, said that the project aims at encouraging innovative ideas among students and implementing various projects through using modern technologies. “Students have an opportunity, along with winning cash prizes, to present their ideas to potential investors and employers and raise relevant funds for their implementation,” the project author said.
Deputy Rector of TSU, Mikheil Chkhenkeli, TSU professors and students attended the event. “These projects envisage the commercialization of scientific research ideas that is a very important part of our university’s strategic development plan. The authors of these projects already held interesting negotiations with business people and I hope that all of them will receive interesting feedbacks and these ideas will be realized,” Mikheil Chkhenkeli said.
About 30 projects took part in TSU Innovation. Ten projects were selected by the special jury. GEL 5 000 was divided among the three best projects.
Several applications were presented at the exhibition, which will help simplify freight shipping, event planning, learning a language and movement during traffic congestion. The winning project involves the idea of innovative engine, which can be used in military aircrafts and cosmic engines in a long-term perspective.
A new rule of funding student projects was enforced at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University starting 2017. Upon initiative of the Rector of TSU, a special council was set up aimed to ensure transparency and parity; the council also involves the representatives of non-governmental and international organizations. 170 projects were submitted to the council during 10 months and 152 of them were funded. In 2017, the university’s budget allocated GEL 600 000 for student scientific projects, while GEL 180 000 was allocated for educational, cultural and sport projects.

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