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Poetry Evening with Lia Sturua

A poetry evening with Lia Sturua was held at the Library of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on December 17. The poet spoke about her professional activities and read out her own poems. Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze awarded Lia Sturua with the TSU Anniversary Medal for her special contribution to the development of Georgian literature.

Rector Sharvashidze said that meetings with various poets will continue in the future. “We have a cycle of meetings with our alumni. This is the second meeting. Lia Sturua’s poetry does not need popularization. But today we are hosting her and this fact can only be welcomed,” he said.

Lia Sturua said that meetings with students and youth are very important for her. “Generally, I no longer like poetry evenings, but the University is my homeland – I studied here, I graduated this university and I worked here for 25 years. Whatever they may say about today’s youth, I love them very much. Our young people are very talented. Therefore, I might have rejected another meeting and not with them,” the poet said.

Lia Sturua released her first collection of poems “Trees in the City” in 1962. She has already released over 12 poetry and prosaic books. She also writes essays, letters. Her poems have been translated in German, French, English and Finnish languages. Lia Sturua has been awarded the State and Shota Rustaveli Prizes. In 1997, the Norwegian television shot a film about her.


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