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New Projects at TSU

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) has launched the implementation of new projects in order to achieve the goals set by the Strategic Development Plan (2017-20121). Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze focused on this issue at a briefing on February 23.

He said that a special council has been set up to ensure transparency and parity of student project funding; the council includes the representatives of non-governmental organizations, TSU and other universities. Student projects will be funded on the basis of grant competition. “GEL 600 000 has been allocated from the state budget to fund scientific research activities and GEL 180 000 will be directed to fund students’ educational, cultural and sport projects. The competition procedures will be open and the results will also be open and transparent,” Rector Giorgi Sharvashidze said.

By order of the TSU Rector, the Student Ombudsman’s Office was established at the university tasked to reveal and eradicate the facts of violations of student rights and freedoms, to prevent possible conflicts and mediate between students and administration. Coordinator of the Cologne MA program at the TSU Faculty of Law, young researcher Mario Schuetze has been appointed as the Student Ombudsman.

Giorgi Sharvashidze said that the university has implemented most of the promised events or the issues are in the process of solution. “Many issues raised by the representatives of Auditorium 115 or other groups of students have already been solved. So, I do not think that there are any problems that will prompt the members of Auditorium 115 to stay in the 6th Building of TSU.  The university has an open governance system. Breaking down an open door is not the best option, especially as many issues raised by them go beyond both the university and legislative space. It is an ABC of democracy – your freedom ends where the rights of others are violated. Everyone is free to express an opinion, but it should happen within the law. Student rights should be protected equally and it also concerns those 800 students, who are undergoing their studies in the 6th Building and who are deprived of their right to get a quality education.”

The Rector also spoke about one of the promises, according to which number of places available in the dormitory will be doubled. He said that “in the near future the Ministry of Education will officially transfer a 320-place dormitory of European standards to the university and students will be able to settle in by the beginning of the new academic year.”

Giorgi Sharvashidze also touched upon an electronic tender announced for the procurement of consulting services to establish an effective organizational structure, implement result-oriented management and improve innovation management. The Rector said that TSU obtained funding for this tender within the framework of the Education Ministry’s Support for the Higher Education Quality Development Project. TSU’s project aimed to optimize administrative management has obtained funding at GEL 180 000. Sharvashidze also noted that optimization of TSU’s administrative management is aimed to overcome the challenges that is dictated by the necessity of achieving the goals set by the university’s strategic development plan.    


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