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Iranian Delegation Visits TSU

Deputy Rector of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), Mikheil Chkhenkeli hosted the delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran on July 4. During the meeting Deputy Rector Mikheil Chkhenkeli, Minister of Science, Research and Technology of Iran, Mohammad Farhadi, the Rectors of the Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Urmia University, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and other officials discussed bilateral relations in the sphere of education. In particular, the participants spoke about the exchange of students and academic staff between TSU and Iranian universities.

The representatives of the Department of Iranian Studies at the TSU Faculty of Humanities acquainted the guests with the traditions of teaching the Iranian (Persian) language and culture at the University and focused on the relations with Iranian universities. The participants outlined several issues for future collaboration.  


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