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Bulgarian Medieval Manuscripts Exhibited at TSU

An exhibition “The Light of Manuscripts” was opened at the Library of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on May 14. The exhibition, which was organized by the Embassy of Bulgaria to Georgia, displays the most valuable decorated Bulgarian medieval manuscripts covering the period between the 10th and the 18th centuries.

Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze said that the exhibited manuscripts emphasize the importance of medieval Bulgaria as a cultural hub. “The Tbilisi State University hosts a very interesting exhibition. It is dedicated to our friendly country – Bulgaria. It was just Bulgaria, where Christian literature was translated into Slavonic and then spread in Russia, Serbia and so on. So, positioning of this country as a cultural hub in the medieval Slavic world is very important. Similar events were also held last year and it has already become a tradition to host this exhibition at TSU,” he said.

Bulgarian Ambassador to Georgia, Desislava Ivanova said that the exhibition was dedicated to the Culture and Literacy Day, a public holiday celebrated in Bulgaria each May 24. “We are glad that our exhibition has been opened at TSU. We are also glad that so many visitors came. It is dedicated to the day, when we, the Bulgarians, mark Bulgarian Culture, Education and Literacy Day.”

The exhibition of Bulgarian medieval manuscripts will last till May 17.


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