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ISET Hosts Online Graduation for MA Class of 2020

On July 5, the International School of Economics (ISET) of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University hosted an online graduation for MA class of 2020. Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze, Director of ISET, Tamar Sulukhia, Minister of Education and Science, Mikheil Chkhenkeli, ISET Governing Board Director Jean-Frederic Paulsen, foreign diplomats and businesspeople congratulated 38 MA students on their graduation and obtaining master’s degrees. 
Rector George Sharvashidze said that the International School of Economics is one of the most successful projects throughout the region. “From tomorrow, the ISET graduates will join a huge army of TSU alumni. The knowledge acquired at the University is a guarantee for their career development. I wish them success and what is most important, they should never lose their ties with their alma mater – Tbilisi State University,” Rector Sharvashidze said. 
Minister of Education and Science, Mikheil Chkhenkeli congratulated graduates on the beginning of a new stage in the life, noting that this stage will be full of positive experience and opportunities and that ISET graduates will be able to fully realize their potential, because traditionally, ISET graduates are always successful in various sectors. “Investing in high-quality education is the best investment in one’s own future. I am deeply convinced that you will use the acquired knowledge for the benefit of your country. Educated and smart young people are the best human capital capable to lead the country on the path of economic development and welfare,” Minister Chkhenkeli addressed the graduates. 
Director of ISET, Tamar Sulukhia said that the International School of Economics held the graduation ceremony in a non-traditional format and “students from four countries of the world, their family members, members of the Board of Directors from Europe and the United States, lecturers and other supporters of ISET participated in the event.”
The year 2020 was special for the educational system, because amid the coronavirus pandemic, higher educational institutions had to carry out decisive changes in the learning process, envisaging the transition from on-campus studies to online learning. ISET managed to introduce modern and innovative methods of learning within a shortest period of time. It enabled about 500 students to move to virtual classrooms and continue their studies without any obstacles. 
ISET has achieved a huge success during 14 years. The school has educated several generations of Azerbaijani, Armenian and Georgian economists. 


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