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International School of Economics Marks 10th Anniversary

A solemn event dedicated to the 10th anniversary of International School of Economics at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), as well as Diploma Awards Ceremony 2017 was held on July 1. Over the last decade, hundreds of graduates successfully completed their studies at ISET with most of them holding leading positions in the region. 32 MA students graduated from ISET this year.

Rector of TSU, Giorgi Sharvashidze; ISET President Eric Livny; World Banks Regional Director for the South Caucasus, Mercy Tembon; BP General Manager in Georgia, Chris Schlueter; Ambassador of Sweden to Georgia, Martina Quick and other guests congratulated the graduates on completing their studies. ISET students, friends and supporters of the school from Georgia and Caucasus region, representatives of the private sector, international and civil society organizations also participated in the event.

“10 years have passed since the establishment of the International School of Economics at TSU. It is a remarkable day. ISET withstood the challenges, the test of time. A lot of ISET alumni have been employed successfully. Today we hold the Diploma Awards Ceremony. I congratulate our graduates on completing their studies and wish them success,” Rector Giorgi Sharvashidze said.

An exhibition about ISET’s successful alumni, who hold leading positions in Georgian, regional and international financial institutions, was also held.

“Although it was difficult to study at ISET, it gave me a lot, first and foremost, knowledge of economics, as well as self-confidence that there is no task that I cannot cope with,” Shota Papuashvili, ISET alumnus, said.    

Along with the ceremony of awarding diplomas to MA graduates, a new campaign “Return Care” was launched as part of solemn events. ISET alumni, participating in the campaign, along with interested business companies, international and non-governmental organizations, will provide mentorship to rural school children; help them plan their professional career and gain access to internships and scholarships. The campaign will become regular and representatives of public and private sectors, international and non-governmental organizations will actively join it.


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