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Scientific Conference “Israel at 70”

On December 20, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) hosted a scientific conference “Israel at 70.” Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze; Ambassador of Israel to Georgia, Shabtai Tsur; academics, students and invited guests attended the event.

Rector George Sharvashidze said that “a very interesting meeting was held on the strength of Israeli statehood. The guests who arrived from Israel spoke about Israel’s security doctrine.”

Itzhak Ilan, the former Deputy Director of the Israeli Security Agency, where he held various senior intelligence positions, presented a paper on Israeli defense doctrine. “I am glad that I can give the lecture in Georgian. I grew up in Tbilisi and I dreamed about studying at Tbilisi State University. Later, I left for Israel and now I arrived to deliver the lecture on security in Israel,” Itzhak Ilan said.

The following papers were presented during the conference: “Israel at 70, Creation of Israel and Brief Historical Review;” “Contemporary Life of Georgian-Jewish Community;” “Key Directions for Research of Jewish Cultural Heritage;” “Israeli Military Concept from Jabotinsky to Present Day.”

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