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Vladimer Papava Wins TSU Rector Elections

Vladimer Papava has been elected Rector of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Papava was elected with 10 votes among 13 registered candidates, while his opponent, Irma Ratiani got 2 votes. Alexander Kvitashvili, chairman of the Academic Council and acting rector, did not participate in the voting.

Davit Bostoganashvili, TSU Associate Professor and chairman of the election commission said: “The elections were held in a calm atmosphere, without any violations and excesses; not a single complaint has been filed. 13 observers from 9 non-governmental organizations have monitored the elections. Out of 13 voters, 12 members of the Academic Council participated in the voting. Alexander Kvitashvili, chairman of the Academic Council and acting rector did not participate in the voting.”

“By these elections the University has demonstrated a high standard of holding elections in the country. Rector election was democratic and free of any pressure. I congratulate TSU on this election as well as on the victory of a worthy candidate,” Alexander Shengelia, member of the Academic Council said.

Acting Rector Alexander Kvitashvili also congratulated Vladimer Papava on the victory in the elections. “I congratulate Vladimer Papava on the victory in rector elections. I said earlier that I would cooperate with any candidate elected by the Academic Council. Probably, it will be the first civilized handover of responsibilities in the history of the Tbilisi State University. In this case, Mr. Papava will find it easier to perform this function,” he said.

In his brief remarks to the reporters, Rector-elect Vladimer Papava said: “If you do not expect a victory, naturally you do not run for the rector. I had a similar disposition. Of course, I was not sure that the Academic Council would have given such a great preference to me; this is a huge trust demonstrated by the Academic Council, by the University, as a whole. There are plenty of tasks and all of them should be solved gradually. Most important is to have an international level university, which should regain its worthy name. A lot of things have to be changed: first and foremost, a TSU student should acquire international level knowledge and particular steps are to be taken in this direction; scientific research as well as students’ involvement in scientific activities should further strengthen at the university.”

Ex-Rector Alexander Kvitashvili filed his resignation on June 12. The Academic Council partially satisfied his resignation and appointed Kvitashvili as Acting Rector before election of a new one. 13 candidates participated in the rector elections held on August 16.   

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