
ნიუ-ორკის უნივერსიტეტის საგრანტო პროგრამა

New York University  was awarded a grant from the United States Department of State to build research capacity in the Republic of Georgia among rising Georgian academics and encourage research dissemination in health related fields. The grant program, titled the  Georgian Research Training Program , is a collaborative research training program between the health professions schools at New York University (NYU) and Georgian universities over a period of two years.

Research Training Program:

The NYU Research Training Program is seeking graduate students or young academics in the field of public health, medicine, nursing, or related health fields who want to develop their research skills through an intensive training program. Professors from New York University will deliver the training program in collaboration with Georgian Professors and faculty. Intensive one week courses on research will be provided in Tbilisi, Georgia by NYU professors. Online training support will also be provided by NYU faculty mentors to support the design and implementation of research projects of selected candidates. 

Qualified applicants will:

**Be conducting final research as part of a Masters level program OR
** Be enrolled in a PhD program related to the health sciences.

They should also:

** Demonstrate a high degree of proficiency in written and spoken English.
** Have a research study currently under development.

Interested applicants may submit their application through the NYU online system at: http://nyu.qualtrics.com/ SE/?SID=SV_3KMqnsedAUUH8lD . You will need to have the following documents in English ready to complete the application online:

** 150 word summary of your research interests
** Copy of your curriculum vitae
** Two letters of reference in support of your participation in the program; 1 from your faculty advisor and 1 from another individual familiar with your work. 
** A four page summary of your proposed research study in the following format:

Page 1: Purpose and specific aims of your study.
Page 2: Significance of the study.
Pages 3 & 4: Methods used to conduct the study. Include the design, sample, setting, data collection approach, and data analysis plan.

Important: When you are submitting the application online, the program will only save your progress if you use the same computer and the same internet browser. 

Applications are due by  March 4, 2013

To begin your submission, please visit: http://nyu.qualtrics. com/SE/?SID=SV_3KMqnsedAUUH8lD

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