2012 წლის 28 სექტემბერს, პარასკევს 15.00 საათზე
, თსუ XI კორპუსში, აუდიტორია №
421 შედგება ზუსტ და საბუნებისმეტყველო მეცნიერებათა ფაკულტეტის
მატემატიკის დეპარტამენტის სამეცნიერო სემინარის სხდომა თემაზე:
Modelling of acupuncture
პროფესორი მ. ტირიე (პიერ და მარი კიურის უნივერსიტეტი)
მოკლე ანოტაცია
Traditional Chinese medicine defines acupuncture points, or
emph{acupoints}, for therapeutic objectives, more than 2500 years ago.
An acupuncture needle is inserted into selected acupoints on the bodys
surface, on which mechanical (needling with lifting--thrusting cycle or
twisting), electrical (electro-needling), or other types (e.g., heat
[moxibustion]) of physical stimulations are exerted, in particular to
cause analgesia. Acupuncture can be assumed to be based on the chemical
response especially of mastocytes at acupoints to the sensed mechanical
stresses caused by needle motions. A self-sustained process is created
via the recruitment of circulating mastocytes and excitation of regional
pools of mastocytes. Chemical mediators are supposed to be
quasi-instantaneously released by the mechanotransduction process that
mainly relies on an sudden, rapid, and copious calcium entry in the
mastocyte cytosol. This calcium wave that gush and pervade the mastocyte
enables it to discharge chemoattractants, nerve messengers,
cardiovascular stimulants, and endocrine messengers. On the other hand,
the regeneration of granules content inside the mastocyte is delayed and
slow. Following chemotaxis from regional pools and blood, newly arrived
mastocytes at acupoints experience a degranulation triggered by the
stress field. The resulting self-sustained process enables the local
elevation of vascular permeability for improved cardiac output and
enhanced endocrine signaling, vasodilation associated with a resulting
increase in blood flow (remote cardiac effect), endocrine signaling to
central nervous system that supports a delayed and permanent response
from neurons situated in a brain region characterized by hyperemia,
which can receive set of action potentials during a long period.
The mathematical model of acupunture can be represented by the set of
equations that incorporates 2~equation related to the populations of
non-degranulated and degranulated mastocytes and 3~equations that
describe the temporal evolution of concentrations of chemoattractant,
liberated nerve stimulant ($s_n(t,x)$), and endocrine activator of some
sites of the central nervous system, when convection (i.e., Stokes flow
of extracellular water triggered by needle motions) in the extracellular
matrix remains negligible.