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ლიდერთა მომზადების გლობალური ინსტიტუტი

აცხადებს აპლიკანტთა მიღებას. დაწვრილებითი ინფორმაციისთვის იხილეთ

It is with great pleasure to announce that the call for applications for Preparing Global Leaders Institute 2014 is now open! The Preparing Global Leaders Institute (PGLI) is a premiere international educational program for the best students and young professionals in the world.

Preparing Global Leaders Institute will take place in Struga and Skopje, Macedonia from 12-24 August, 2014. This advanced leadership program seeks to prepare aspiring global scholar-leaders with the tools that are necessary for effective leadership in an increasingly complex world.

>> Learn more about Preparing Global Leaders Institute <<
>> APPLY <<

Students across the world which are currently enrolled at university or advanced professional programs(masters, doctorate, MD, JD, MBA and etc.) are eligible to apply for PGLI 2014. Students from minority backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply to the program as well as young professionals who have completed at least first cycle of university studies. There is a possibility of winning a partial or full scholarship to attend PGLI 2014 and scholarships are given on a rolling base. Scholarships are based on merit, civic involvement and motivation.

Applications are due March 30, 2014 - priority deadline. The applications deadline for Category A applicants (who will need visaprior entry to Macedonia) is May 18, 2014. The applications deadline for Category B applicants (who do not need visa prior entry to Macedonia) is June 22, 2014.

We hope you share our enthusiasm about PGLI 2014 and we encourage you to share this call with friends, family, and any prospective participants and individuals.
We are looking forward to hearing from you and receiving your applications.

>> Check out our video from PGLI 2013<<

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