
საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია სამედიცინო ფაკულტეტის სტუდენტებისა და აკადემიური პერსონალისთვის.


We would like to invite you to the “International Medical Students of the Turkish World Congress” that will be held on 06-08 May 2011 in Samsun. It is organised by the Scientific Research Student Club of Ondokuz Mayis University.

Latest developments and up-to-date information in the medical world and medical education systems will be placed mainly on the relevant conferences and presentations of the congress.Furthermore, the presentations of some of the world’s leading scientists will guide and advise us on how to become a successful scientist.

We hope to welcome you in Samsun and appreciate your participation.


TraineeDr. Mehmet Cenk TURGUT
President of the International Medical Students of the Turkish World Congress

International Turkish Medical Student Congress
6-8 May 2011
Samsun – TURKEY


Congress participation is free of charge.
Accommodation, meals, transfers and printed materials are not subject to a fee.

Verbal Presentation:
One presentation per country representative is acceptable. Topic of the presentation can be selected from the congress website (inclusions will be made). Presentation must be made by the student. Language of presentation must be Turkish, English or Russian only.

Poster Presentation:
It must be done by the student. Each country can present max.4 posters.Must be in Turkish or English.

Participants will be welcomed by the organising committee at the reported place and time. All transfers will be done by the organising committee throughout the congress (3 days).

Congress Language:
Simultaneoustranslationwill be usedthroughout the Congress (English, Russian and Turkish)

Each country can get information on the quota (how many people can participate in the congress per country by calling or e-mailing us.

Additional Information:
1) You can present an advertorial cd (max. 4 mins.) of your country in the congress.
2) Simultaneoustranslationwill be usedthroughout the congress (English, Russian and Turkish).
3) World - Leading Scientists will be giving presentations in the congress.
4) Students who perform oral and written presentations will be ranked and highly ranked students will be awarded by the scientific committee.
Contact Details:
Phone: +90507 2311852 +905384392560
E-mail : omubak@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.imescon.org/2011/eng/index.html

For those who will be giving verbal presentations:
  • Presentation must not exceed 15 mins.
  • Priority will be given to case studies.
  • Abstract of presentationmust be sent by 28 February 2011. (electronic format).
  • Profile photograph of those who will be giving a presentation should be sent with the abstract (electronic format).
  • References should be indicated in the abstract and within the congress.
  • Abstracts will be included in the congress booklet.

  • For evaluation, the following criteria will be taken into consideration: Compliance to the topic, comprehensibility, reference, coherence, compliance to the maximum duration of the presentation, scientific approach, stage manner and body language, correct use of medical, skills of response to questions.

Poster presentations:
  • There is no number or subjectlimitation on poster presentations
  • All posters should be in the standard size of 70x90 cm.
  • Participants should announce the number of poster presentationsby31 March2011.
  • There is no need to send abstracts of poster presentations.
  • Research Presentations will be given priority when determining the winner of the poster presentation.
  • Participating students should indicate their names by 03 February 2011.
  • Participating faculty members should indicate their names by 03 February 2011.

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