
სტიპენდიები დოქტორანტებისა და პოსტ–დოქტორანტებისათვის.

The Dan David Prize laureates annually donate twenty scholarships of US$15,000 each
to outstanding doctoral and post-doctoral students of exceptional promise in the
chosen fields.

Ten scholarships are awarded to doctoral and post-doctoral students at universities
throughout the world and ten scholarships at Tel Aviv University.

The Dan David Prize is granted according to merit, without discrimination based on
gender, race, religion, nationality, or political affiliation.


Criteria for scholarship application:

■ The applicant's doctoral or post-doctoral research is in one of the selected
fields for the year in which the application is being made.
■ The applicant is a registered doctoral or post-doctoral student at a recognized
university at the time of receipt of scholarship.
■ For doctoral students applying: The research proposal must be officially approved
by the university department in which he/she is studying.

Required documents (in ENGLISH only, doc rtf or pdf format, Ariel or Times New Roman
Font, minimum size 12):

To be sent by email to ddprize@post. tau.ac.il This e-mail address is being
protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it :

■ Application form (completely filled-out).
■ Full Curriculum Vitae.
■ A one-two page description of the applicant's doctoral or post-doctoral research
project and a list of applicant's publications (if relevant).
■ Three separate, official letters of recommendation by recognized scholars in the
field, one of which is the doctoral/post- doctoral supervisor, signed in PDF format.
■ Authorization by the university that the applicant is a registered doctoral/post-
doctoral student in the stated department and university, signed in PDF format.

Originals of letters of recommendation and authorization of studies should be sent
by post to:

Ms. Smadar Fisher, Director, Dan David Prize, Eitan Berglas Bldg/119
Tel-Aviv University, P.O.Box 39040, Ramat Aviv, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel

Confirmation of receipt will be sent by email.

Tel Aviv University applicants are requested to note the following:

■ The scholarship will be granted in bimonthly payments during the forthcoming
academic year until payment of the scholarship amount is completed.
■ Scholarship applicants who are the recipients of other Tel Aviv University
scholarships/ grants are requested to contact the Dan David Prize office to receive
further information.

The deadline for scholarship applications receipt is March 31, 2010


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