
ვანდერბილთის უნივერსიტეტის პროფესორის სტეფან ჰაინემანის საჯარო ლექცია

9-10 მარტს, 16:00 საათზე, 332–ე აუდიტორიაში (რუმინეთის აუდიტორია) საჯარო ლექციების ციკლს გამართავს ვინდერბილტის უნივერსიტეტის (აშშ) საერთაშორისო განათლების და პოლიტიკის პროფესორი – დოქტორი სტეფან ჰაინემანი.

11 მარტის ლექცია ჩატარდება 135 აუდიტორიაში, 15:00 საათზე.

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University invites you to attend a series of public lectures delivered by Stephen P. Heyneman, Professor of International Education Policy at the University of Vanderbilt, Peabody College of Education and Human Development
(March 9-11, 2011)

March 9, 16:00, Auditorium 332(Auditorium of Romania), Tbilisi State University, Building II
  • The Failures of Education under the Party/State: Lessons from the former Soviet Union. The discussion draws on experience working on education reform in Europe and Central Asia. Prof. Heyneman was the first international education consultant to enter Russia after its independence. Since then he has worked in 13 of the 15 republics of the former Soviet Union. The discussion includes some generalizations from this experience.
March 10, 16:00, Auditorium 332(Auditorium of Romania), Tbilisi State University, Building II
  • Why Children of the Poor do well in School. The discussion includes an explanation of what is called the ‘Heyneman/Loxley Effect’ which holds that the power of school quality to predict academic achievement is stronger in low income countries and power of socio-economic status is weaker.
March 11, 15:00, Auditorium 135(Auditorium of Romania), Tbilisi State University, Building II
  • The History and Problems of Education Statistics. The discussion tracks the history of the statistics function in UNESCO through its sorry state in the 1980s and 1990s, and the attempts to professionalize it. It includes the debates over the (often contradictory) roles and functions of the European Union, OECD, the World Bank and UNESCO.

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