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აზერბაიჯანის პედაგოგიური უნივერსიტეტის საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია


Azerbaijan Teachers’ Institute will hold II International Scientific Conference on “Contemporary issues of teachers’ training: scientific and technological innovations in education”

November 26-28, 2012.

The aim of the conference is to conduct the dialogues and exchange of experiences on the implementation of new technological processes and quality management system, staffing (training for new specializations, improvement of professional skill) issues and to publish the articles regarding this field.

The researchers, pedagogues, librarians willing to present new projects and innovations in education process may participate in the conference. It is required to fill the application form in order to participate in the conference. (http://www.ami.az/?src=news&#news143)

Articles in the following directions are accepted in the conference:

1.     Educational and scientific researches in globalization process

2.     Barriers in education (age and psychological factors)

3.     Ethical problems in educational area

4.     New tendencies and experiences in education

5.     Teacher and leadership

6.     The improvement of professional teachers’ with the new innovative methods

7.     Quality in education

The rules of compiling articles:

Text input - A4 format, all border sides - 2.5 cm, font - 12pt, interval - 1.5, Times New Roman. The articles should be saved in Microsoft Word format. Articles consisting of 5 - 6 pages can be presented in Azerbaijan, Russian and English languages. The article with the application form should be sent in electron format to the e-mail: conference_ati@hotmail.com on the dates of 20.07.2012 - 10.10.2012.

Foreign participants are provided with the hostel of the institute with hotel style rooms and with feeding in a time of holding conference on pre-confirmation about a date and arrival time for organization of meeting and placing of visitors.

Tel.:/Fax: (+99412) 564-80-47

Address: 104, Academician Hasan Aliyev str., AZ1110, Baku, Azerbaijan

E-mail: conference_ati@hotmail.com

Example for preparation the articles


The authors name, middle name, surname

Scientific degree, position

Name of the represented institution



With ordinary letters, in the same language of the article, 250-300 symbols.

Key words: 3 - 5 words
 Text of the article……………… ………….
Referred literature in the article should be shown as [1, p.74]
    Orthography dictionary of Azerbaijan language. Baku, “East-West” Publishing House, 2012, p.728

                           Organization Committee      

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